Capital Campaign

BPNN Service Center

With over 65 coalition members, we are working hard to build the capacity of our community to dramatically improve outcomes for residents. We are committed to providing comprehensive support led by community members, social service agencies, and neighborhood schools.

The BPNN Service Center is a place where our partners can come together to provide essential services to our community.
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Project Timeline - BPNN Service Center

This center is more than just a building; it's a space that will bring our community together and provide essential services to those in need. We're committed to creating a safe and thriving neighborhood for all, and we hope you'll join us in this mission. Check out the timeline below to see the progress we've made so far and what's ahead.

Fall 2020

Contracted JGMA for Architectural and Engineering Services

Spring 2021

Began Schematic Design

Spring 2022

Site Demolition

Fall 2022

General Contractor Retained - Blackwood Construction

Summer 2023

Finalized Schematic Design

Fall 2023

Filed for Construction Permit

Spring 2024 to Spring 2024

Construction Phase

Summer 2025

Grand Opening!

The Service Center's Goals:

( 1 )

Adequately accommodate the much-needed space for BPNN partners to provide vital services for community residents.

( 2 )

Develop a centrally located service center to coalesce the strengths of the community partners below and dramatically increase the service capacity in the community.

BPNC: Case Management Services, financial services, HUD-approved housing counseling services, public benefits enrollment, homeless prevention services, youth employment services, youth engagement programs, health and nutrition programs, comprehensive immigration services, violence prevention & intervention resources, including: restorative justice spaces, community workshops, trainings and engaged community forums focused on addressing community violence. 

Centro Sanar: Family clinical counseling services, individual trauma-informed clinical counseling, group counseling and support groups, victim support services, comprehensive case management.

New Life Centers: Youth development programs, youth recreational programs, comprehensive case management for gang-involved youth.

PODER Works: Comprehensive workforce development programs for adults, case management, soft skills and job search skills development programs.

Beyond Legal Aid: Comprehensive legal assistance focusing on immigration legal services, renter’s rights legal aid, and family legal aid.

( 3 )

Provide a unique gathering space for BPNN partners and the Brighton Park community.

( 4 )

Create a highly visible center to provide direct services for community residents and promotion for the BPNN and all of its partner agencies.

A community-advised project

Addressing the Needs of Our Community!

To ensure the new BPNN Service Center would address the needs of Brighton Park residents, BPNC conducted a comprehensive community needs assessment. A steering committee was convened for the duration of the study and consisted of social service providers, mental health professionals, representatives from schools, health providers, victim services community members, elected officials, and other community stakeholders.

Our Key Findings:

Through a comprehensive needs assessment, we identified key areas where community members require support in order to thrive. With these findings in mind, we have designed the BPNN Service Center to be a welcoming and inclusive space that provides comprehensive support to our community members. From mental health services to social connections, we are committed to addressing the diverse needs of our community.

Address the critical need for mental health support.

Community members overwhelmingly recommended that long-term, trauma-informed mental health services be delivered at the community center.

Deliver holistic services.

BPNC's needs assessment recommended that mental health services be provided in a community resource center that offers comprehensive support. This includes material resources, medical care, social connections, and emotional well-being. We are committed to providing this kind of holistic support to our community, with the help of our partners and community members.

Deliver culturally-affirming services and a sense of community connectedness.

Needs assessment participants emphasized the importance of creating a welcoming and inclusive, reflective of the cultural values of the community. They also suggested that the center have the capacity to host large social gatherings to facilitate interpersonal connection among community members of different cultural backgrounds and religious traditions.
Gym View

Facilitate service access by addressing commonly encountered access barriers.

Community members reported that inaccessible facilities, transportation, childcare, operating hours, and cost of services are commonly experienced access barriers. Recommendations included  ADA compliance, free parking, bike racks, bus passes, gas cards, rideshare services, on-site childcare, accessible operating hours (evening and weekend hours), and free service provision.

Interested in learning about naming or leadership giving opportunities?

Please reach out to Patrick Brosnan at